Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A song I have found to be encouraging

Hey everyone!  I just wanted to share a song today.  It is one that has really been an encouragment and reminder to me that though there have been significant changes in my life that are not what I expected and have been hard to adjust to, I have not done anything "wrong" or taking a "wrong turn in life" but rather I am right where I am supposed to be :) I hope it encourages you where ever you find yourself today!

"Changing World" by Kutless

I thought I had it all under control
I thought my fate was still in my hands
All of my plans were firmly set
By the words that I say

I forgot how quickly things can change
Now my vision can not be the same

My life is not what I thought
I'm not where I planned to be
Though something's gone
There's nothing wrong with my changing world
Though something's gone
There's nothing wrong with my changing world

I need to let go of my destiny
I need to trust in things unseen
I believe in having faith
Though I yield my control

I forgot how quickly things can change
Now my vision can not be the same

I'm embracing all of my fears
I am watching them turn to delight
The very fears which were gripping my mind
Are now the hands shaping and sculpting my dreams

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

An encouragment with a recipe! :)

I wanted to share this picture of a sunrise I saw one morning last week.  I remember feeling somewhat discouraged that day.  However, when I saw this my perspective began to change.  Of course this picture doesn't do the scene justice, but if you can just imagine a large dark grey sky covering as far as you can see.  Then, just beyond the horizon, a peak of light begins to break though.  It is not very wide but it's length covers the entire vastness of all you can see. 
This was a reminder to me that even in the times we feel like everything is dark and grey around me and I feel like I can't see or understand why things look the way they do, God will always find a way to show Himself though.  He has done that for me though this process of improving my health and helping me learn and grow to know more about Him and many of the natural resources He has given me. 
Like I mentioned in my previous post, I am now about five months into the process of working with my health coach.  About six weeks ago I began an elimnation plan.  It consisted of 28 days eating only certain foods from each food category --- no dairy, eggs, citrus, nightshades (potatoes, peppers, tomatoes), soy, beef, or pork.  Then, after the 28 days, I pick one food at time to reintroduce and see how my body responds to it.  To help ensure this process was successful, I had to begin to plan each meal I had for the day, including snacks.  This was initially challenging because I knew I wasn't going to be able to eat what my family and friends were eating.  I also knew the planning was also going to be tedious.  I will admit, this was very frustrating at first but I knew that doing this would help me feel better in the long run, help my body heal, as well as teach me what I needed to know about what foods to eat and not eat and why it is so important.  Initially it took some time and thought but once I got past the learning curve I actually began to enjoy the planning.  As a result I have had the pleasure of making some delicious meals!
One struggle I dealt with as I began this planning process though was the thought that I could no long have sweets.  I mean, no more chocolate???  I could never stick to that!  Well, didn't I say that God always makes a way to show Himself though?  He did and did so through a vegetable I was only slightly familiar with...the chocolate bean (cocoa bean to be exact)!  This wonderful little plant is developed into a powder and used in numerous baking recipes.  (And the only ingredient is cocoa!) 
So as I continued to plan my meals and snacks, I also began planning desserts.  There are several that are my favorites but one in particular that I have fallen in love with lately.  It is called "Cleaning Eating Brownies" (see recipe below).  They are awesome and use NO sugar, gluten, dairy, eggs or soy.  (FYI - I am still in the middle of my elimination/reintroducing foods plan so there are certain things I need to stay away from until I know what all I am sensitive to.)  In the mean time I am eating these wonderful little treats!  Hope you enjoy them too!

Clean Eating Brownies
(Makes 20 brownies)
Note: You will want to read through ALL of the directions before decorating these brownies.
Brownie Ingredients
1 (16 oz.) container almond butter
4 egg whites (or flaxseed meal --- 1/3 cup water and 1 tbs. meal for each egg white)
1 cup honey
1 tbsp vanilla (McCormick brand is gluten free!)
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder (I bought mine at Kroger!)
1 tsp. baking soda
1 cup grain sweetened chocolate chips (non-dairy chips for those avoiding dairy)  (I actually left these out because I can only find the soy free ones at the local health food store and I didn’t have any in my house at the time.  The brownies still tasted delicious!)
(And if your heart desires…..)
Decorating “Paint” Ingredients
1/2 tsp. Cocoa powder
Marshmallow Ingredients
3 tbsp water
1 packets unflavored gelatin
1/2 cup honey
1 tsp almond extract
Brownie Directions
~ Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.
Step 1 – Add each ingredient, in the order listed, to a large mixing bowl, one at a time. Whisk in each ingredient completely before adding the next.
Step 2 – Pour into an oiled baking pan and bake for 35-40 minutes.
Decorating “Paint” Directions
Step 1 – Mix cocoa powder with two drops of water. Continue to add water, two drops at a time until you have a somewhat thick “paint”.
Marshmallow Directions
Step 1 – It’s best to get all your ingredients out and ready before proceeding with this because everything comes together pretty quickly. Be sure to have your brownies cooled, cut and ready to decorate BEFORE you start making the marshmallow topping. Once the marshmallow topping is made, you will need to move very quickly before it solidifies. Otherwise, you’ll end up with a sloppy mess of marshmallow fluff instead of a smooth spread for your brownies.
Step 2 - Stir gelatin into water in a small bowl. Microwave for 30 seconds.
Step 3 – While that’s in the microwave, pour your honey into a mixing bowl. Add the almond extract. Add warm gelatin/water mixture.
Step 4 – Blend for 10-15 minutes until the mixture is thick and fluffy and has more than doubled in size.
Step 5 – Now you must work quickly. Using a knife, spread your marshmallow topping over your brownies.
Step 6 – Using a toothpick and anything with a small edge, dip into your cocoa paint and decorate your brownies any way you’d like!
Note: For a spider web, simply draw two circles, one inside the other (like a target) and then draw squiggly lines from the center, out. (Like rays of the sun)
Eat and Enjoy!

Monday, December 3, 2012

An intro of me

Intro - Hey everyone! I am so glad you have taken some time to read this blog.  I hope you will be encouraged by what you read today.  I wanted to start off with an intro about why I have chosen to blog. 

Around last October, 2011, I started feeling very sick --- extreme fatigue, anxiety, weak spells, irritability, increasing hunger and a lot of frustration when it came time to get on the scale.  After trying to ignore it, eventually the sickness feeling increased so much that it was nearly impossible to overlook.  After a few months of trying to figure things out on my own, a friend recommended seeing an herbalist.  This ended up being a great blessing to me because I was not getting any help or answers from my doctor.  She helped me begin to change my diet along with using some natural herbs.  This was the beginning of the process that helped my body heal.  I had no idea that this was also going to be the beginning of one of the biggest changes of my life too!
I continued on the diet and herbs for about seven months.  I was seeing a lot of progress but not without experiencing some struggles a long the way.  I started to learn a lot about how MY body works and what it needed to function well from day to day.
After these few months another great help came along.  This time it was though an unexpected conversation I had with my dad when he came to visit. He mentioned about a health coach who had come to his office to give a presentation on what she does.  He explained that she works with people to help them find out what their individual body needs and coaches them on how to implement those ideas into daily, realistic goals that work for them.  I was so excited to hear about this because I didn't feel like I had all the answers I needed to really get back to feeling 100% better.   
So I began working with her about five months ago and I am loving the process we are in together!  It has been the start of an amazing journey to better health and so much more.  My anxiety has significantly decreased; I no long feel the physical symptoms of fatigue and weakness, overwhelming irritability, constant hunger or frustration with weight loss.  There have defiantly been times of ups and downs and I have learned so much more than I could have ever dreamed about how my body works and what it needs to live well.  I have also begun to feel SOOO much better emotionally and my faith has grown.  I am thankful that I have been given the blessing of being about to enjoy each day more and more. 
So I share all of this because I want to share with you, the reader, how my progress is going.  I love learning about food, cooking, eating well and taking better care of myself and, even more so, I love sharing it with others!  I hope you enjoy reading my posts and I hope they encourage you as well.